CBD Adventures, My Turn!

Apr 28, 2022

Hearing rave reviews of CBD for years, it’s been in the back of my head that I should try it.  

“It’s so relaxing!”  

“It balances my moods and helps me sleep!”  

“I rubbed it into my husband’s aching lower back and he finally got some sleep!”

About to leave for home after an activity-filled Portland getaway with my partner last weekend, we impulsively popped into Ranger Chocolate Co, an eccentric artisan chocolate shop, right next door to the Kex Hotel where we stayed (such a nice sauna!).

Wandering around past exotic blends like elderberry pistachio chocolate bark, I stumbled into CBD infused orange ginger dark chocolate!  What could be better?  Two faves, ginger and orange, together! 

I had always heard that CBD didn’t have THC in it.  But, then again, one friend swore that CBD gave her a little buzz.  Feeling adventurous, I decided to give it a try. 

The price, $15, raised my eyebrows, and, in hindsight, should have made me more curious about my purchase.  But, then again, everything seemed more expensive in Portland. 

I had bought my first CBD Chocolate Bar! 

Arriving home, I sank into a pile of technical computer work, editing videos and programming next week’s client workouts.  Half way in, I happened upon the chocolate bar. 

Super distracted, I wolfed down the whole thing, and proceeded to forget about it entirely…  

Until that is, a while later, when I found myself swaying and humming at my standing desk to music that wasn’t there.  Until the rowdy dance and romance vibe of the weekend came up for a breath of fresh air and a second turn.  Until doing even simple tasks on the computer felt like deciphering my high school calculus textbook!

Actually, at first I didn’t remember the chocolate bar.  I thought I was losing my mind.

Usually an avid label reader, this time I hadn’t looked beyond the big print (note to my 55 yr old self: reading glasses are now required for chocolate shops).  

When I dug the chocolate bar package out of the recycling bin, and donned my 3rd and 4th eyes, I nearly fell over.  

The recommended serving size: one little square!  With total disregard, I had mindlessly consumed 12 servings! 

Upon closer examination, I found the inevitable disclaimer, “contains trace amounts of THC, less than .3%”

This all sounds kind of funny right now, but at the time, terror (and, hahaha, paranoia maybe?) gripped me hard!   

“What’s wrong with my brain?  Is this what Alzheimers feels like?  Dementia?  Am I losing my mind?  Will I be a burden to my family, at 55?” 

What an enormous relief when I remembered the chocolate bar, and the likely temporary nature of my mental impairment! 

What a huge relief to wake up the next day with my lovely, clear brain, and cognitive abilities!  And to find that my client’s workouts were written in English! 

As a kid, when I messed up laughably, my dad would ring out,

“Kimberly Crunch is out to lunch!” 

You can bet my mind laughed with that old tune.

The takeaway?  Kim, wake up!  Read labels!  Beware of processed foods, especially unfamiliar ones, and definitely don’t eat them mindlessly!   

Have a bar of CBD chocolate around for when the time is right!?  In this case, the night before, while dancing?

My recent buzz gifted me with boosted awareness for basic everyday physical pleasures, such as fresh morning air, human connection and touch, and drinking water when thirsty.  

I feel more attuned to exercise, and the delightful endorphins that flood my body and mind during and afterward.  

I’ve also been enjoying enhanced appreciation for my clear brain, and simple, real, regular food.  A juicy orange exploding in my mouth first thing in the morning, the crunch of a juicy red pepper.  

Or the sharpness of mental and physical focus that comes from eating my favorite steamed vegetables and tempeh. 

My thoughts on CBD?  Potent respect, and I need to get another one of those chocolate bars! And how about some CBD massage oil too!