Hungry? Or Thirsty?
Feb 02, 2022Last night I was deep in thought, working on my computer. Before I even noticed that I had gotten up, I found myself elbow deep in the refrigerator, rifling around for something to eat. Has this ever happened to you?!
When I “woke up” in the fridge, my inner detective started chuckling.
“Hmmm. What’s going on here?”
A voice inside, a bit defensively, responded, “I’m hungry.”
“Really, I asked? Didn’t we just have a big meal, like an hour ago?”
“Yeah,” sheepishly, “but I’m still hungry!”
My inner coach surfaced. “Seems unlikely. I think we’re bored, or uncomfortable, or thirsty. That makes more sense. Let’s try drinking some water.”
“Okay, coach.” Lol…Busted!
So I shut the refrigerator door, drank a nice glass of water, and got back to work. Fifteen minutes later, I checked in. Refreshed and satisfied. My “hunger” had gone away!
What is going on here? It seems kind of weird, but we can cut ourselves some slack…the symptoms of hunger and thirst overlap quite a bit.
Stomach growling?
Beginning to get a headache?
Feeling irritable?
Depressed? Low energy?
Lack of concentration?
Any of these symptoms might make us start looking for a snack, but they are more likely signs of thirst!
The thing is, hydration is vitally important for digestion! So, when we drink, we digest our food better, have more energy, fewer cravings, and stay more alert and focused (the brain loves water too!).
Writing this now, first thing in the morning, I am on my third glass of water! And I am still thirsty! It’s a game I like to play in the morning, sipping away. How much water will I need to drink before I stop feeling thirsty? This morning, three!
Full disclosure here, not everyone needs so much water. My partner, Vicki, hardly drinks any water and is totally fine. We are talking sweaty workouts five days a week. Here I am, drinking a full liter at the gym, and more afterward, and she is barely drinking at all. She has had her hydration levels tested repeatedly and they are always fine, about the same as mine! I don’t get that.
Are you the thirsty type, like me, or more like Vicki? Please reply, and let me know. My inner detective is very curious!
PS I get the thirsty gene (is there one?!) from my mom, also the thirsty type. I have proof, I can still hear the sirens! Here’s the story: How to Stay out of the E.R.!