Not "Feeling It"? No Worries!

Mar 17, 2022

Ever feel kind of lousy and want to skip your workout? Yeah, me too.

The funny thing is that I almost always feel better after I exercise. So, what gives? Let me know if you have got this common human trait figured out yet!

What I have figured out, though, is how to get past it!

On days when I feel strong headwinds in my face, physical or mental, I make a deal with myself.

I will get dressed in my exercise clothes, get my special workout water bottle and drink, eat a snack, and get my shoes on.

I get started, slowly. After 10 minutes, if I still feel lousy, I will stop.

99% of the time I start feeling better even just picturing getting my workout gear on!

Even more strange, though, is that many times I have gotten warmed up, and surprised myself with a very strong workout.

Headaches and nausea clear up. Tweaks sort themselves out. Dark moods dissolve.

Other times, I have simply shown up and done the work. Nothing outstanding.

Afterwards, and later, when I review my week, I feel proud of myself, and strong.

This is the power of systems at work. My workout is on my calendar, not negotiable. If some little voices show up and say, “no, I’m tired, I don’t wanna”, it doesn’t matter. I’m still showing up. Feelings aren’t an issue here.

But my mind sure gets sneaky! Always looking for the loopholes.

Makes life simpler to follow my plan. Otherwise, that negative little voice will think it’s the boss. Uh, not good. Like having a 2 year old’s tantrums and random foul moods run my life.

Will power comes and goes. The structure of habits will hold you.

When my mind is clear, usually on Sunday, I review my plan and fine-tune my calendar.

My workouts are self-love in action. Both for today, and casting votes for the healthy, strong future version of me I dream of!

Feelings are not a good gauge for what you are capable of in any area of your life, including fitness!

Make a plan, schedule it, be consistent, show up for you, form habits.

Create a nest of habits to rest in. Be wary of your mind and its sneakiness! Simple habits lead to consistent action, which yields positive results.

“Just do it?” Yep, guess so!

Let's take on the challenge!