Sanity—out the back door

May 26, 2022

When stress grips me hard, I have learned over the years that sanity requires a swift exit out the back door, to where the plants live. 

Like our cat, I start freaking out if I’m indoors too long.  Outdoors, I start breathing and calm down right away.    

Walking around, breathing, taking in the intricate shapes and colors, I sink into a fresh, expanded perspective.  My agitated nervous system lets go with a sigh of relief.   

Thorny troubles subside when lying with my back on the ground, looking at the sky through the canopy of tree leaves.  Other times, I need to take a walk, breathing rhythmically to calm my nervous system, one step at a time.   

Why is time in nature so soothing?  Is it: 

…the timeless embrace of mother nature?  

…the ground forces of the earth?  

…the stunning beauty of natural shapes and colors?  

…the limitless sky?  

…the air?  

Yes, all of the above, and more!  What are your favorites?  

Today I am choosing the air.  As long as there are plants around, and minimal pollution, outdoor air is a step up from indoor air. 

The forces of nature energize us!  My first sanity tier is the backyard, then walking the neighborhood, then tree filled local parks.  

One of my favorite nature getaways for a bigger treat is Silver Falls State Park, because breathing the air feels like eating an eternal health elixir. 

Big old trees, a river and waterfalls, in a long river canyon.  People flock there from all over, hiking the miles of meandering, shady trails.

Why is it so good?!  

Let’s explore the air a bit more. 

Natural places, especially those with running water, are abundant sources of replenishing negative ions.  The name sounds awful, but stick with me. 

I like to think of negative ions as superstar oxygen atoms. 

These atoms have extra negatively charged electrons, so they can neutralize and clean up harmful positively charged stuff, like “free radicals”, in our bodies.    

Here is a short list of some of the known benefits of negative ions:

  • Neutralize free radicals

  • Revitalize cell metabolism

  • Enhance immune function

  • Purify the blood

  • Balance the autonomic nervous system (promoting deep sleep and healthy digestion)

Breathing ocean air, rain washed air, lightning charged sky, waterfall mist, and forest air recharge us body and soul.  

Simple walks in our neighborhoods that have trees and plants will do wonders.

Opening our windows to breathe night air (in the absence of air pollution) charges our bodies all night long. 

Don’t bother getting a negative ion device though.  Too much of a good thing in a confined home environment isn’t helpful. 

When we need to clean our indoor air, simple air purifiers are the best.

When the air is clear and fresh, let’s get outside and enjoy it, for a physical and mental boost!  

Want more?
Check out this fun article on negative ions.