Why Cardio is Not Enough

Jun 09, 2022

I find terrifying concepts deeply inspiring as things to move away from.  I use this “moving away from” motivation strategy as a way to point myself in a more favorable direction, and then try not to look back!  

How does this apply to walking and other cardio activities?  If cardio is our main fitness strategy, we will lose the ability to squat as we get older!  Hey, let’s not! 

If we don’t practice the movement pattern of squatting, at some point we will stop being able to squat. 

Yes, you say, but isn’t that why Lazy Boy recliners were invented?  To help us avoid squatting in all cases?    

Maybe, but I have several first hand stories of clients who came to me for help because of dark and terrifying “senior moments” like this:

“I was at the grocery store and bent down to get an item on the bottom shelf.  I lowered myself okay to grab it, but then could not get back up.  I thought about pulling myself using the shelves, but they were filled with glass jars. I was afraid of breaking them.  I tried puling myself up using my shopping cart, but it started rolling. I had to crawl after it until another customer held on to it for me and helped me get up.  I felt so embarrassed and ashamed when I saw the look of pity on her face.”    

See what I mean about finding inspiration in horrible experiences or stories to move away from?  

The good news?  Squatting comes back pretty quickly when we train the movement pattern, starting with support and gradually increasing the challenge.  Yeah!

More good news?  Those who came to me unable to squat are my most dedicated, inspired clients.  They know the value of strength training first hand, and will never stop (so they tell me!) 

Want to feel younger than your age?  Build and preserve muscle mass now!  How?  You guessed it, resistance training! 

And, no, you don't have to join me on the powerlifting circuit, or even join a gym, to get results. 

Building up to 30 minute home workouts two to three times a week, using body weight, resistance bands, and other simple tools, get impressive results, and are easy to fit into any schedule.  

Wait, there’s more!  As we get older, we lose muscle mass if we don’t actively work to build strength.

There’s even a term for it, “sarcopenia.”  It’s the so-called “natural” process of losing muscle as we age.  And, yes, it’s totally avoidable, and even reversible, with a healthy diet and “reasonable” exercise.  We can also avoid sarcopenia’s dread sidekick “osteopenia” (bone loss) because strong muscles stimulate the bones to stay strong.  

Okay, you may be thinking, but I need to lose fat!  Cardio is the best for fat burning, right? 

Strangely, no, especially as we get older.  

The combination of resistance training with some cardio is ideal for burning fat.  The two really are a sweet combo.

Our bodies are pretty willing to shed body fat when we are building our muscles at the same time. 

Trading fat for muscle?  Yes! With strength training, our bodies get to build vital tissues.  We will give up fat for that. 

If all we're doing is cardio, our bodies may shed some fat, but we will stubbornly hold on to as much fat as we can, even slowing down metabolism to stop burning fat.  Our bodies think we are starving!   

If you have some pockets of fat that you really want to shed, do resistance training!  Eat a balanced whole food diet, with plenty of protein, to support growing muscles.

You will get toned and shapely. The process of building muscle takes time, and happens in slow motion, but it will send your life into an energizing trajectory that you will love!